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Watermelon originates from South Africa. At present it is cultivated practically all over Europe. Its winter-hardy varieties are grown also in Poland.

Watermelon is specific for its creeping stem, which, in favourable climatic conditions may grow up to 6 meters long. Large leaves have tendrils. Flowers resemble the pumpkin ones, single, usually yellow or light green.

Product information

Depending on a variety, watermelon pulp may be: red, yellow, white, pink or orange. It is covered with green peel.
The fruit is composed in 90% of water, which makes it a great thirst-quencher rather than the best possible source of nutrients. It contains small amounts of carotenoids, vitamin C, iron or potassium.

High water content in watermelons affects their diuretic and detoxifying properties. Both juice and pulp of watermelon hydrate and provide electrolytes and carbohydrates necessary for proper functioning of the human body. Watermelons are great in treating unpleasant symptoms associated with excessive alcohol drinking on the next day.

It is most frequently consumed raw. In the summer, you can add it to a fruit salads. Watermelon slices are also used to decorate pastries and cakes. Mashed pulp can be a great ingredient of sorbets, soft drinks and cocktails.

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