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A lemon tree can grow even up to 10 m high and blooms all year round. It originates from south-eastern China. The largest lemon producers include: India, Mexico and China, followed by Turkey and Spain in Europe.

The most popular lemon varieties are: Primafiori, Eureka, Verna and Interdonato.

Product information

Peel colour comes in different shades of yellow, and its structure is more or less porous and – similarly as thickness – depends on the variety.
Inside of a lemon is filled with pithy and juicy pulp divided into segments. Fruit diameter ranges from 5 to 7 cm, while length from 6 to 9 cm.

Lemon fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C. Content of vitamin C in a single fruit covers 50% of recommended daily intake. In addition, this fruit is reach in B6, B2 and A vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium and many other nutrients.

Lemon juice is an ingredient of many dishes, salads, cocktails and beverages. Lemon zest can be added to cakes, liquors, sauces and icing. Lemon that is sliced or cut into triangles is used to decorate fish dishes, beverages and cocktails.

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