Plantations of North American Blueberry or otherwise called the Northern Highbush Blueberry can be found all over the world. It is most common in Europe, Australia, Chile, Japan and New Zealand. The United States are the largest producer of this particular species.
Poland belongs to countries with the largest in Europe blueberry plantations in terms of area, reaching 5.5 thousand ha. In terms of production volume, Poland is the sixth largest blueberry producer.
The first Polish variety of the North American Blueberry – ‘Bonifacy’ – was registered in 2004. Poland is also the leading exporter of these fruits.
The Northern Highbush Blueberry has a form of high shrubs (1.5 – 2m) with raised, straight shoots. Depending on a variety, the plants give fruits from early July to late September. One shrub can produce from 3 to 6 kg of fruits. Fresh blueberries are covered with blue wax bloom.
Blueberry fruits are low in calories, contain plenty of calcium phosphorus, folic acid and vitamins. Its greatest advantage is however phytoestrogens that reduce blood cholesterol as well as antioxidants that eliminate free radicals. Consumption of raw blueberry fruits can be treated as a prevention against modern-age diseases, arteriosclerosis and cancer.
North American blueberry is a dessert fruit consumed primarily raw however in the United States it is frequently used in food processing. In confectionary, blueberry fruits are ingredient of cakes (fruit tarts) and decoration of confectionary products and desserts.