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Quince (Cydonia oblonga) is a small tree growing up to 3 meters.  The species originates from Asia. At present, it is cultivated in temperate climate zones, however this species is grown rather on amateur basis, which is evident by looking at its production volume. In global terms, only 300 – 330 thousand tonnes of these fruits are harvested every year, primarily in Turkey.

Product information

A quince fruit has a shape and size of an apple and is yellow. The fruit pulp is hard, unjuicy and tart, yet highly aromatic. Quince fruits are valued primarily for their nutritive and processing values. They contain plenty of micro-elements such as calcium, potassium or iron. In addition, they are a very rich source of vitamin C, PP, B1, B2 and provitamin A and have high content of pectins.
Thanks to these elements, quince has among others great regenerative properties. It has a positive effect on the liver. In addition, quince improves appetite and has a relaxing effect. It also reduces bad cholesterol.

Quince fruits are consumed processed, since even fully ripe fruits are very tart. High content of pectin makes quince a perfect material for jellies. The other delicious preserves include confitures, jams and fruit cordials. Fresh quince fruits match perfectly any winter tea and are recommended during colds due to high content of vitamin C.

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