Broccoli is an annual plant originating from Cyprus.
The leading producers of broccoli include China, India, the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Pakistan and Great Britain.
A cultivated vegetable without natural habitats. In the growth phase, it produces a large inflorescence called a rose. It is delicate and composed of unbloomed buds of dark green colour. Broccolis feature unique health claims.
They have a positive impact on vision and regulate blood sugar level. This is due to content of vitamins, minerals and sulphoraphane – a strong antioxidant of anti-neoplastic properties. These plants are also a valuable source of vitamin C and magnesium. The simplest way to serve broccolis is cooking them and topping with melted butter.
Broccolis are a common ingredient of vegetable soups, salads, bakes, stews, pasta and rise sauces.